An online space that talks about Synesthesia and give you a platform to interact with Synesthetes to better understand how they experience the world. Synesthesia is a neurological condition that occurs when sensory pathways have not separated during growth and development. This can cause two or more senses to collide. For example, seeing certain colours when you listen to a certain tune or song. It is not an association of two things as most people confuse it to be, as it is not something influenced by memory or external factors like opinions or events. Synesthesia doesn’t require these external factors for senses to collide.
Communication Design
An online space that talks about Synesthesia and give you a platform to interact with Synesthetes to better understand how they experience the world. Synesthesia is a neurological condition that occurs when sensory pathways have not separated during growth and development. This can cause two or more senses to collide. For example, seeing certain colours when you listen to a certain tune or song. It is not an association of two things as most people confuse it to be, as it is not something influenced by memory or external factors like opinions or events. Synesthesia doesn’t require these external factors for senses to collide.
Merch - Badges A series of merchandise in accordance to Synesthetes including T-shirts, Badges, and stickers. All are available on the website.
Instagram Grid A social Media page for SenseOn website where promotional posts are uploaded regarding Synesthesia which helps drive the traffic to the website.
Brand Identity Logo for SenseOn and colours.
Website video
Synesthesia - Video Representation